Whether you’re beginning a career in IT, or seasoned IT veteran looking to stay sharp, Amazon Group will assist you in attaining your technology training goals. We will not only help you learn, but also assure you’ll pass your certification
Amazon Group is the nation’s most innovative tech-training institute and combines the most effective training methods to create the best value available in training.
Amazon Group clients enjoys these great benefits:
- Flexibility : We provide a flexible program catered to you, with courses tailored to your learning style and your schedule...For YOUR FUTURE!
- Technology Focused : Emphasis is placed on helping clients begin to develop skills and knowledge in technical areas that can have practical value in the workplace.
-Consistent Schedule : In most programs at Amazon Group classes are at the same time each day, which can help make it easier for students to work part-time and meet the other demands of life.
- Learn & Apply: Unlike many traditional training centers, where students spend most of their time listening to lectures, Amazon Group students also spend considerable time in the lab, where they are encouraged to apply what was taught in the classroom and see for themselves how, why and what makes things work.
-Equipment: we understand the importance of each candidate being able to benefit from a hands-on learning environment by using equipment that is similar to what is used in industry
- Commitment to Our customers : We pride ourselves in our commitment to providing our customers with the most efficient and effective training available. Our goal is to "teach" our students the necessary skill for them to efficiently and effectively do their jobs.
- Qualified Instructors: Instructors with hands-on experience Provided with continuous training on the latest robotics and programming technology
Experienced and trained in instructional procedures and methods to ensure that
Each course is presented in the most efficient and effective manner.